Victorian State Rebate

The Victoria State Rebate is means tested.

Your home cannot be worth more than $3million and your income cannot be more than $210k per year (for whomever is named on the Council Rates Notice).

You cannot have taken part in the Victorian Solar Homes Programme previously, unless you claimed the STC’s before November 1st 2013, in which case you may now also apply for this rebate.

If you are not eligible for either the incentive or the rebate you can still add solar to your home.

What you need to provide to apply for a Victoria State Rebate:

Notice of assessment from the ATO – the document you lodged. This will be in your MyGov account; or

Certified Stat Dec if self funded; or

Pension Card/Health Card/Veteran Affairs Card

ID – two forms

Driver’s Licence

Medicare Card


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Federal Incentive

Everyone gets the Federal incentive. This is called a STC (Small Scale Technology Certificate). The amount of incentive is based on the size of your system. The larger you go the more they give you.



Both the Federal and Victoria State Government want you to add solar to your home, to get you off gas.

Federal Incentive – STC/RECs

Everyone gets the Federal incentive. This is based on the size of the system you purchase. The bigger your system, the more money you will receive. A 6.6kw system will give you approximately $2052 towards the cost. The incentive is called a REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) or STC (Small Scale Technology Certificate). The value of these is roughly $35 per Certificate. The CEC Registered installers will have incorporated this value already when you see your upfront cost.

Solar Victoria State Rebate

Do you qualify for the current Solar Victoria Rebate?

At the moment this rebate is valued at $2800.

You are given:

$1400 off the RRP; and

$1400 as an interest free loan (

You will be asked during the Solar Victoria Rebate process, If you wish to take advantage of the interest free loan. If yes, you will be asked to add your BSB and Account Number to repay the $1400 over four years – this is a direct debit of $29.17.

Two factors will determine if you will receive it:

Your home cannot be worth more than $3 million. This is shown on your Council Rates Notice;

The income for the people named on the Council Rates Notice cannot be more than $210,000 per year.